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Suky’s voice alone will heal you!

She carried out a remote healing session with me. I recently lost my dad and have a tendency to hold stress physically. This led to a trapped nerve in my neck and the flu.

Having not had anything like this before, I completely surrendered to the process and was open to any chance of healing – the experience was amazing!

She connected with my physical body and chakras. She picked up pain and energy blockages where I had cancer 5 years ago – and unblocked them. I instantly felt gurgling – which is a sign of the meridian lines being unblocked!

Throughout the whole process, I felt safe and very relaxed.

At the end, I had a feeling of serenity that I’ve never felt before – I did not want to move and just lay there enjoying the feeling.  The next day I had a spring in my step and much more energy.

I would highly recommend Suky – she is professional, calm and makes you feel safe. Thank you spirit world for sending her to me.

Testimonial Image Nina

I discovered Suky through a friend. She told me about massage and energies and I got enthusiastic! I’ve already been there twice….wow!

Her massage relaxes the body and the mind. An experience that if fully lived can become mystical. Must try!

Caterina Stocca

Full-time Mum, Italy

Testimonial Image Cris

I have been twice to Suky and definitely I will go again! The first time I was quite out of myself and she brought mind and body back to normal! It’s a massage different from others because apart from the physical benefit there is also the psychological! I strongly recommend it to all! Go and meet your imaginary friends!

Cristos Saviolidis

Waiter, Italy


Suky is an extremely gifted healer & a wonderful warm human being. As a member of the health and healing community I’m very particular about who I invite to work on me. I seek excellence from my practitioner in terms of their self development, as that is where the true power of a healer lies. Having worked with many different healers guides and practitioners over the years I can say with full confidence that Suky is exceptional. Intuitive is a given but to be able to do this work well one must walk through personal fires. It takes fortitude.

Throughout our session which was done distantly, I could feel her working on various parts of my body and sense them releasing. After the treatment I was relaxed and felt renewed and uplifted.

Suky is supportive between sessions but also has a practical approach which is essential to help us integrate in today’s busy world. It was a privilege to receive a healing from her. Thank you for generously sharing your gifts Suky.

Testimonial Image Viki

The energy healing treatment I received from Suky was fantastic and very effective. Unlike other gentler forms of energy healing where physical touch is very light, if there at all, this treatment does not only assist the energy body but is akin to a static deep acupressure massage which is very satisfying.

I had to breathe through some of it but Suky knew where my stagnation lay hidden and what my threshold was. As I said, a very satisfying tension release. I could sense a heaviness lifting during the treatment and felt so much lighter – emotionally, mentally and psychically -the following day.

Something shifted and I also experienced a sense of more self-confidence at work. Looking forward to my next session with Suky!

flower, plant, rose

I had been struggling with a stiff, sore neck for a couple of weeks, which was causing me discomfort and lack of sleep and was effecting my driving, as I could not turn to look over my left shoulder.

Suky spotted I had a problem just by observing my posture and immediately approached me to ask a few relevant questions. She has a friendly and compassionate manner and reassured me immediately that she could resolve the problem.

After one session of massage and manipulation, I was pain free and could move my neck freely. I found Suky totally professional and she gets genuine pleasure from helping her patients.

Carol Hogben

Recruiter, London

Testimonial Image Shalini

I am a working mother of two young children, and without even realising the pressure of life was taking a toll on my body. Suky, spent an hour working on my back, shoulders and face. I was warned that some areas can be painful and whist the pain was difficult at times I fully trusted Suky. The pain actually felt good in some ways as you could feel the tightness and the pressure being released.

Not only did Suky know what areas of my body needed working on she knew the science behind it and was able to describe to me what she was doing. The lightness I felt on my shoulders was amazing. The main and truly surprising massage that Suky performed was on my jaw line. For the last 25 years I have had a clicky jaw, I could not open my mouth fully without being in pain and with every bite my jaw would click. Suky asked my permission if I would like her to work on this area as she stated it can be painful. With my trust in with Suky I accepted. Yes it hurt and after about ten minutes I had to stop but it was enough as the click is no longer there and the fact I can now open my mouth fully (especially helpful while yawning) has made a big difference to daily life.

After the massage I was told to lie down, relax and drink water. Suky was spot on when she told me I would feel tenderness in certain parts on my body which were not even touched during the massage, in particular my scar from my caesarean. It was fascinating to hear the knowledge Suky had on the massage she had just performed on me. I highly recommend Suky, she has a very calming presence and has a precious gift that deserves to be shared.

Testimonial Image Kristina

I have scoliosis and have suffered from back pain since I was 12. I find massage very helpful to loosen up my tense muscles in my back. Suky gave me a treatment a couple of times.

Suky is a very gentle person with a positive attitude to life. She is very professional and kept asking me if I feel ok during the massage. It was painful sometimes when she got to the tense areas, however the relaxing feeling I had after worth it all.

Next day I felt much lighter and full of energy. Unfortunately Suky is not in the UK anymore, so I cannot benefit from her special powers. But you lucky Italians can! I recommend Suky without any hesitation.

Krisztina Doroczki

College Administrator, UK

Client Testimonial Betty

I have had neck and back pain for some time since I was unable to sleep at night. I took medicine, painkillers but it didn’t work!

I then tried to get massaged by several experts but unfortunately my pain persisted!

6 months of pain, then Suky arrived! She massaged me with great effort and I felt pain at the beginning but she managed to find the right points – exactly the ones that hurt me the most without me knowing!

It was a miracle for me! That same day, everything hurt me but then day after day I realised that I was healed! It was great.

The best one knows where to touch you and she knows what she has to do to heal you!

Elizabetta Benvenuto

Airport Security Agent, Italy

Testimonial Image Ameet

I had the coronavirus and felt horrible, it was like having the flu but much worst. I had severe pain in my throat, stomach and legs. Suky preformed a distant energy healing session for me. She went into my chakras and physical body to help release my pain. I felt extremely relaxed and saw colors and lights around my crown chakra, stomach and knees. My third eye opened during the session.

It was an amazing feeling and gave me instant relief. I felt pain being released from my throat, stomach, joints and left arm immediately. Plus I had recently injured my left arm due to weightlifting. I was in crucial pain, but Suky was able to go into my body and heal it within an hour’s session. Suky has a very soft spoken voice that helps you connect spiritually. I would highly recommend her energy healing sessions to all my friends and family.

Testimonial Image Marina

From the moment I met Suky I had a positive change in my life. Her attention, sensitivity and professionalism made me understand many things about my health. Furthermore, her treatments have left me in an indescribable situation of psycho-physical well-being. I was very lucky to find it on my way. Thanks ❤

Erminia Antonini, Italy

Bed & Breakfast Owner, Italy

Testimonial Image Miriam

Suky is a generous woman and a talented and knowledgeable therapist. Her hands know where to go to unlock the energy since she has a great sensitivity and a propensity to love. A panacea. A luck to have met her ♥

Testimonial Image Agnes

She is amazing, true healer. Although I am professional doctor of medicine and strongly believe in science and physics, I was followed her good energy to heal my body from sides effects after radio and chemotherapy. She made a miracle to take me back on the track to keep balance between my mind and body. Suky, she is full of love for people in needs. Thank you Suky to having you in my life!!! Love you

Agnies Zurakowska

A&E Doctor, London

Testimonial Image Punam

Thank you Suky for giving me the most enlightening experience, while preformed an energy healing on my body. A few years earlier I was fortunate enough to meet Suky in Rome, Italy and have one of her energy healing massages. I knew then that she has a gift! I have continued to have distant healing sessions while being in New York. Suky is a true spiritual healer, dedicated to healing individuals with her positive energy and knowledge.

Her healing sessions are immensely soothing, and leave your feeling revitalized. She was able to find the cause of my pain and remove the energy blockage, all while being virtual. The whole experience left me wanting more, and now I am a regular client of hers. These distant healing sessions are one of a kind, they take you deep within yourself and help restore your energy.

This is like no other experience. It’s holistic and promotes well being, mentally and physically. I would highly recommend her services to all my friends and family.

Testimonial Image Pranita

Excellent energy healing therapist. I have had two distant healing sessions, Suky is able to find and remove energy blockages and I feel some much more relaxed and calm after each treatment. I would highly recommend her service.

Client Testimonial Asare

Suky offers an excellent holistic service. Her treatments are soothing and healing. She is intuitive and finds energy blocks and helps release them. Her service also includes providing feedback on how to better maintain your energy field. I highly recommend her service because it really helped me move the energy blocks and operate on a higher vibration.

Asare Adjei

Artist, Ghana

Testimonial Image Katia

Immediately after giving birth and during the first months of breastfeeding I was completely contracted and I had great pain in my shoulder blades and back so much that it was difficult to breathe. One day I met Suky, through a relative of mine, and she had offered to help me solve my problem that had been tormenting me for months.

While she was giving me the massage she seemed to know exactly where to touch, massaging the points that hurt the most without me saying anything. After the massage I had general aches and pains but within a week all the pain disappeared and I never had pain again, it was as if I never had it.

Sometime before I had already gone to another professional masseuse who had given me a series of massages but I continued to have so much pain. Suky, on the other hand, managed to solve the problem for me with just a massage. Incredible! She has golden hands!

Katia Benventuo

Mother of 5, Italy

Testimonial Image Suzie

I have known Suky for many years and in that time have shared a journey with her of empathy and spirituality. Suky is a beautiful gentle soul, who has a passion for healing.

This past three years have been particularly stressful for me with a number of losses in my personal life and some ill health. Therefore, when Suky announced that she was offering the chance of a distance healing I couldn’t wait to take up the opportunity. 

Suky took the time to explain the process and what to expect as well as what I needed to do to prepare for the session. A link was provided to some gentle healing music that I was able to play in my own space.

As we went on this spiritual healing journey together I felt Suky’s healing energy through my body and aura. It is quite a magical experience of deep relaxation and trust opening ones body and mind to a cleansing and expanding of the spiritual realm.

I would highly recommend a healing session with Suky whatever phase in your physical or spiritual journey you find yourself in right now. With peace and love.

Suzie Rose

Director, UK

Testimonial Image Eleonora

I met Suky almost a year ago, I went to her to heal the soul of some suffering that afflicted me and I felt a lot of relief through a massage. I immediately felt a lot of trust in her.

When the coronavirus spread, we were in quarantine and one day, I asked her if she could help me from a distance to practice a healing meditation.

After following her relaxation instructions, lying comfortably in my bed, I started to feel very strong vibrations in my body as she advised me to relax. The sensation was similar to that experienced in the sessions done in-person and at the end I felt much better. But what struck me most was that it seemed she was there with me.  

Then she felt that my head and eyes were sore and even though I didn’t tell her. She told me to relax more.

At the end of the session I no longer had any pain and I will always grateful to her for this.

Testimonial Image Sangeeta

I’ve had the pleasure of doing a long-distance healing session with Suky (an old friend) and it was a warm, soothing experience which left me calmly introspective. I found that she was very intent on offering the most value from her giving heart. For these reasons, I am eager to do it again.

It was a relaxing experience which left me a little spacey at first (in a good way) and then, my day seriously just got better from there!  I noticed that I was in amazing spirits for the rest of the day and felt a grounded sense of peace. I still think about it & can’t wait for my next session.

Testimonial image Luca

When I met Suky, I was very ill from heat exhaustion and she helped me immediately. Then, she told me about the massages and I gladly accepted. I think that her energy begins to heal you as soon as you arrive then, with patience and tranquillity, the massage begins.

My experience was painful and at the same time very relaxing and regenerative. Her expertise is extremely complete, both with regards to massage and energy. For those who want to feel better both spiritually and energetically and physically go to Suky!! She is a professional. In my life I have never had the honour of meeting a splendid person like her!!

Her very being is love both for the world and for all the forms of life that populate it, full of poetic energy that only heals you when you talk to her, and a refined intelligence open to the beauty of the intellect of anyone who has love in his heart. Her massages can really make you feel better and make life more bearable for everyone who really needs them. So if you have muscle pain or if you have had an accident and you have minor motor problems but that force you to move painfully, she can also help you on an energetic and spiritual level. Call now !! You will NEVER regret it !!

Luca Dalino

Waiter, Italy