Practical Exercise to Forgive Yourself

Some of us really beat ourselves up for making bad decisions or getting into bad situations. However, how do we learn? A lot of the time, we learn by making mistakes. That is just the way life is. And we have to learn to forgive ourselves for this.

When I focus on forgiving myself for not knowing any better, the pain of the lesson is somewhat easier to manage and I can start moving past it.

Why you may need to forgive yourself


So you could be dating the wrong person and be with them for longer than you should have been because you were dependent on their love. In that case, this was a great lesson to love yourself much more and build your relationship with yourself so that you are stronger the next time around.

You could have lent someone money and never received it back, even when they promised but again, how would you know not to blindly trust everyone unless you have learnt this lesson the hard way?

You could have accepted narcissistic treatment but how else would you have learnt all the games and tricks they play if you didn’t fall for them and then one day see the light?

And the list goes on.

All situations leave us feeling bad and for some, can also make you beat yourself up with words like “oh I am so stupid! I should have seen that!” or “Why did I do that? How dumb could I be to have not seen that?”

But ultimately, we have to understand that better decision making comes from better knowledge and experience. How can we develop as people if we don’t have bad experiences?

Words I use to forgive myself


So instead of beating ourselves up, lets change this course of action into forgiveness and gratitude. You can change the negative self-talk into words like THANK YOU FOR BEING GREAT TEACHERS. I LEARNT A LOT. I FORGIVE MYSELF FOR NOT KNOWING ANY BETTER AT THE TIME. NOW THAT I AM MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE, I WILL BE MORE ATTENTIVE AND CAREFUL.

And then take a deep breath and release any and all pain associated with the situation. It will help, I promise. It will take the pain out and you can begin to heal.

For additional support, try Jess Helsop’s Self Forgiveness / Forgive Yourself – Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep) – I find this always brings me back to tranquillity and peace and helps me release what is no longer serving me.

Let me know your thoughts.


Energy Healing can help you overcome your challenges in a safe environment with a safe Energy Healer – me.

If you need help and feel I can assist you in your healing, contact me for an Energy Healing Massage in Trieste, Italy. If you cannot come to me, a Distant Healing Session can also help you. We can work to help you release and move on with your life. If you want a combination of talking and healing, then my Intuitive Coaching Sessions can be useful to help you with whatever you are dealing with.

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