Intuitive Coaching Sessions

"When you realise your own magnificence, you will only attract magnificence into your life. "

Intuitive Coaching Sessions are designed bring you back to your exuberant self – the way you were always supposed to be.

Do you feel stuck in your life?

Are you going through problems that you are unable to resolve?


Intuitive Coaching Sessions can help

We work to address the root causes of the problem/s and help you do the mental work, clear your energy and evolve to a better stage in your life.

My innate desire has always been to want to help others. I’m highly sensitive, highly intuitive and highly empathic. Being born with these three traits presented many situations in my life where I had to resolve problems in order to survive. I had no other choice – but experiencing all of this was also the making of me.

I believe wholeheartedly in personal evolution; we are here to shift through several stages of our lives. The more we evolve, the better our lives are. The more we remain stuck, the more we hurt or struggle.

The types of coaching I offer

Coaching with me can be around quite serious issues like trauma healing or can be as simple as you wanting to shift from being employed to self-employed but don’t know where to start. It all depends on what you need.

A note of caution

Please note – If you just want to talk to someone to get your problems off your chest, you need a Therapist like a Psychotherapist/Counsellor/Psychiatrist. In this case, my sessions are not suitable.

Intuitive Coaching Sessions are for those who are ready to make some changes and prepared to do some practical work in order to achieve their results.

Why chose me?

Because I learned everything I know through my personal challenges. Here are a few things I have overcome though there were many more:

Transitioning from trauma to empowerment

I have overcome multiple types of abuse I experienced in my childhood and adulthood, learned to forgive everyone involved and came to peace with all of this.

When something doesn't serve me, I shift

And so I rejected my destiny to have an arranged marriage and defined my own parameters of what love should be.

Redefining who I am - on my terms

So I outgrew and left behind a restrictive culture and created my own identity based on my truth.

Changing from victim to victor

Through constantly working on myself, I transitioned from being a shy, sad and introverted child to an empowered, extroverted and happy person.

Addressing the root cause of my problems

My problems stemmed from a lack of a strong foundation. So I learned to love myself and work on my self-worth and self-esteem thus creating a strong base for me to make the most out of my time here on this beautiful planet. And today, I genuinely love my life.

Corporate success didn't fulfil but it led me here

I reached the top of my game as a Corporate Recruiter where I worked in and around London for over 20 years working for private and government organisations. By interacting with thousands of people from all walks of life, I began to understand how human beings function.

Pushing myself out of my comfort zone

In 2017, I moved countries at the age of 42 – on my own to Italy without knowing the language. Five years on, I have integrated into a whole new culture. And I love that I had the guts to do that. Despite the challenges, I made a life for myself here. 

Reinventing the new me

And I completely changed careers to being an Energy Healer. This involved undoing everything I had ever known, letting go of the old me and discovering and embracing the new me.

I believe

That you have to find some quiet space away from the daily stresses and strains of life and tune in to 1) what the problems are and 2) what the root causes of these are.

In my personal experience, all of my adult problems came from old patterns I had learnt as a child. But this is me. Some people experience perfect childhoods and then the disruption comes in their adult lives. We are all unique.

For many years, I felt wrong in my mind, body and energy.

This involved going back in time and doing inner child healing work, meditation, trauma releasing work, energy healing, yoga and other physical exercises, cleansing, reprogramming my subconscious mind and so on to make the improvements I needed. 

My healing journey was treated like a project and I focused with everything I had to make it work. 

I had to take a deep analysis of my Mind, Body, Soul and Energy in order to see where I was and what improvements I needed to make. I tried everything and anything I could get my hands on and make myself better. 

My About page will tell you more about my what conditions I healed.

And so if Ias God is my witnesscan turn all of this around, then so can you.

How did I do this?

Through this process, I learned to access the Infinite Intelligence inside of me, my soul. The part of me that contains all of the solutions bespoke to me and my problems.

Once you tap into this, it will change your life in more ways than you could possibly imagine.

Through my Intuitive Coaching Sessions, I will teach you how to ‘go within’ and tune into this Infinite Intelligence within you so that whenever a problem or situation arises, you have the tools and resources within you to be able to manage this.

Please note – I am not your Guru – You are your Guru.

Yes, I agree with utilising Healers and Gurus as and when you are stuck, but these should be used as a short-term solution. There should never be a dependency on us. You should always be working towards being independent and thus becoming stronger and better as a human being in this game of life.  

These sessions have been designed with that in mind. If you are willing to do the work and are committed to practicing your new learning, then is for you!

Continued Learning

You will be given homework after every session where I will give you tasks to work on the issues that arise from our time together. This inner work will continue the clearing we will have started in our sessions and make you stronger and more intuitive.

This is also a demonstration of your commitment to wanting to be better.

Don’t worry; it won’t be anything too taxing. It could be listening to a meditation or saying some affirmations. And of course, you will benefit from all the work you put in!

How it works

In order to assess if we are compatible, I will provide a 15-20 minute session free of charge. This will help us get to know one another a little better. Here, we will start to talk about what is bothering you right now.

I am happy to use Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Whatsapp and Duo.

If you are interested….


Intuitive Coaching Sessions

If you are happy after our initial chat, you come back here and purchase an Intuitive Coaching Session. We will then fix a time and our sessions begin!

Intuitive Coaching Sessions cost €55 per hour.

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The advantages of purchasing Intuitive Coaching Sessions:

You will...

  • Learn new tools and resources you need to begin to heal yourself;
  • Clear your blockages and your intuition will start to arise and guide you through many aspects of your life; 
  • Naturally begin to observe your behaviours, values, attitudes and beliefs in a new way. If you are happy with them, you keep them. If you are not happy, you will have the tools and resources to evolve to an elevated stage and transform these, thus leading to a better you;
  • Start to investigate your childhood and see what clearing needs to be done there;
  • Find peace with situations and circumstances that have troubled you in the past or are causing you grief now;
  • Clear the old static energy and be able to allow new vibrant energy into your energy field. This in turn will move you closer to achieving your life’s purpose and you will feel better on a day to day basis;
  • Want to have new experiences as you begin to open up The Universe brings you these effortlessly;
  • You will become better at forgiving and being able to move on;
  • Be stronger in your relationships and start to make better decisions about who you want in your life and who needs to go or have less impact on you personally;
  • Have more compassion as this work only evokes peace and love.
  • Have more control over your life;
  • Feel better physically as once you have addressed emotional and psychological issues, your body’s innate healing system will kick in and you will heal.

When you are happier, any work you do on yourself in turn makes those around you happier - it has a ripple effect

Are you ready to evolve your current circumstances and feel better?