How a car accident brought my ego in check ๐Ÿ˜‰โœจ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ and the lessons I learnt

Here I tell you about the lessons I learnt from having a car accident some years ago. In this video, I go through the accident itself. I discuss why it happened, how I recovered and what lessons I could take away.

Coincidences are not something I believe in

I believe everything happens for a reason. This is a wonderful example for me of when I was able to learn what I needed to. Click here if for any reason you cannot access the video.

This car accident highlighted so much wisdom

For me personally, this car accident taught me so much about myself. I was able to learn the lessons I needed. This helped me to evolve to the next stage of my life. There was a sense of serendipity to it all for me.

Sometimes, we are struggling with a particular situation and donโ€™t know why it is happening. If this is you, why not try one of my Distant Energy Healings. We can go into your energy field where I will use my intuition and Guidance to provide information and solutions to what you are expecting. For more info take a look at my Distant Energy Healing sessions.

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