Have you seen La Belle Verte? An amazing film about the absurd way we live today!

I watched La Belle Verte/The Beautiful Green earlier this year but felt compelled to watch it again recently. It is in French but I had subtitles on as my French is rusty to say the least!

Without spoiling it, it hones in on how we live today as observed by people from another planet. In their opinion, they have evolved much further than us and don’t hold back on telling us what we are doing wrong. Having said that, they also leave an impression on our planet with some well needed and really beautiful changes.

I loved it! Every moment of it.

I’ve never been one to follow the crowd

To be honest, I don’t watch the latest films that come out and I am not really a movie buff.

Let me explain. Firstly, I don’t watch TV or read anything from the traditional media. I cut that out years ago so my life is run my own way.

When popular culture is advising us to watch or listen to something and there is a lot of publicity and focus, I look the other way. I prefer to make my own discerning decisions about what I want exposed to my experience. This is something I have done for years.

So if I watch a film twice, believe me, it means it really moved me! Or I learned something significant. And I have to say this film did both.

Here is the mother on Earth communicating with her kids

I think Corine Serreau was certainly ahead of the curve when she wrote and produced this.

La Belle Verte covers subjects like evolving to use telepathy to communicate, sharing food and resources, living in a vehicle free world, training the body, learning skills and so much more.

Favourite Scene

For me was when the boys meet the Aboriginal Tribe – I mean I cried at different parts of this film because it is so beautiful but this part was especially heart warming and emotional for me. And it was filmed with an Original Tribe not actors, in Australia so for it’s day, they did very well!

No Official Trailer

There isn’t an official trailer on YT which is strange and the film wasn’t promoted as much, in fact it was rather played down by the film industry. It was also banned in some countries! When they behave like this, it’s a must watch for me! It is on Netflix but you also should be able to find it in other places.

Have you seen it? What did you think? If you are going to watch it, come back and let me know your thoughts! I would be really interested to know what others thought and if it had a profound effect on you as it did on me.

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