Distant Energy Healing

"You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we are not. We always have the power of our minds. Claim and consciously use your power."

I can do Energy Healing sessions over the phone.
I am able to operate all over the world.
All you need is a good internet connection.

How it works

Thanks to Guidance, I am able to connect to your energy field remotely and sense and feel the denser energies. These usually contain things like old memories, trauma and physical pain. I use my intuition, empathy and sensitivity to see what is troubling you and work to clear these denser energies. I always know what to do and where to go as I am always guided very well.

Sometimes I am told to ask you questions about the past or give you insights in order for you to gain a better understanding of what is happening. At other times, you lie still as the healing occurs. Once the density has cleared, you feel lighter and uplifted.

Each healing is unique and dependent on what you need at the time. Some people only need one Distant Energy Healing, though this is rare. Others need further sessions as often we are, in effect – peeling off the layers of the onion. We do this until we get you back to the sparkling brighter you that you are meant to be.

Benefits of a Distant Energy Healing

  1. You feel a profound sense of calmness with a sense of feeling euphoria and lightness. As you release the old energy, new energy will come in and re-energise you, making you feel distinctively different to before the healing.
  2. Energy Healing will help you release old trauma, family patterns and anything else holding you back from being amazing. You get to feel the real you at a soul level.
  3. As you release energetic ties, situations and circumstances from your energy field at root cause, you have the opportunity to form new attitudes, values and beliefs. My clients often tell me it feels like someone pushed the reset button.
  4. You will begin to hear more of your intuition and inner guidance. Of course it is your choice to act upon that or not but if you do, you will most certainly be more aligned to your soul’s destiny and your life’s purpose.

Distant Energy Healing can help:

  • Relieve stress and tension
  • Recover from pains, aches and illnesses
  • Aid better sleep
  • Accelerate the body’s own healing system
  • Bring the mind, body, soul and energy bodies into alignment
  • Remove blockages in the energy field before they turn into dis-ease as well as after
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Release toxins in the body
  • Recover from things like side effects of pharma drugs, chemotherapy and surgery
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
  • Raise consciousness and personal growth

What To Expect

Before we start the treatment, we go through your medical and lifestyle history through a questionnaire. That will give me all of the information I need. If you are seeing a Consultant of any sort, I may need written consent before we proceed.


  1. You lie down on your bed in a comfortable position. 
  2. We connect with audio using the technology of your choice and you place your phone next to you on speaker. I am happy to use Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom, Duo or Facetime Audio. If you don’t use any of these, let me know what tech you prefer and I will try my best to accommodate you. 
  3. I invite in Universal Energy, enter your energy field and connect to your physical body and chakras.
  4. I go in and see what we need to do on that particular day.
  5. Once the Energy Healing is complete, I bring you back safely into your environment and I detach from your energy field.

I offer a....

2 hour distant Energy Healing session

You spend an hour having the actual treatment. Then we have a discussion for an hour or so about the experience and any action steps that need to be taken. 

Cost – €190


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Post Distant Energy Healing Chat

After our session, we will both exchange how it went and what we felt. This is important as in my experience, at times we both have the same experience and feel the same things – like pain or stagnant energy being lifted for example. Other times, we are both having a totally different experience where I clearly felt something and you felt nothing for example. 

In any case, this is a wonderful time for us to try and put the pieces of the puzzle together. We can try to workout 1) What caused the energetic imbalance in the first place and 2) What steps you can take to ensure you are not repeating the patterns of the cause. There may be one reason or a multitude of reasons, but we will discuss this. 

On the flip side, you may know perfectly well what the problem or issue. In this case, we would discuss how you can move forward without it affecting you further in a detrimental way.

Personally, I have experienced a lot in my life – emotionally and physically and have had to combat a lot in my life to be who I am. Due to this, I am able to relate to many people and many issues and offer suitable advice, practical tools and resources and information around what steps to take to feel great again. My About section will tell you more about my experience.


Here are just a few important pointers to take into account before you book a Distant Energy Healing Massage with me. 

If you have any questions……

No food 2 hours before please

It is advisable that you don’t eat a heavy meal before the session and preferably not eat 2 hours prior to our session. That way, your body is more relaxed and open to a healing as opposed to being busy going through the digestion process. Do have something ready though as many of my clients report being very hungry after their treatment!

Wear loose clothing and remove jewellery

The energy is able to in and around your body much better this way. Wearing jeans for example can restrict the flow and some jewellery can also interfere with the energy circulating around you. Precious stones, gemstones and crystals enhance the positive flow of energy so you can have these with you.

Check your surroundings please

Please take a moment to ensure the environment is as quiet as possible. I will be going deep into your energy field and loud noises can throw both of us off or shock us as we will be in a very relaxed state. So please take this into account and make any necessary adjustments before your treatment.

Be aware of temperature changes

Have a blanket near you as many of my clients have experience a change in body temperature during their sessions. You can start off quite warm and then suddenly get cold as the dense energy leaves you. Alternatively you can feel quite hot also, so bear this in mind.

Create ambiance

You are doing something loving and special for you. Try to get you in the mood, feel free to light a candle or some incense. I will light a candle that will burn for 4 hours in your name, initiated with a prayer aimed at achieving the best possible outcome for you.

Lie down and relax

The best place to be when you are having a session with me is to be lying on a bed where you have space to spread your arms and legs. You should also have your palms facing upwards as this is the best position for new energy to come into your being.

Are you ready for a Distant Energy Healing?

Testimonial Image Suzie
I have known Suky for many years and in that time have shared a journey with her of empathy and spirituality. Suky is a beautiful gentle soul, who has a passion for healing. This past three years have been particularly stressful for me with a number of losses in my personal life and some ill health. Therefore, when Suky announced that she was offering the chance of a distance healing I couldn’t wait to take up the opportunity. Suky took the time to explain the process and what to expect as well as what I needed to do to prepare for the session. A link was provided to some gentle healing music that I was able to play in my own space. As we went on this spiritual healing journey together I felt Suky’s healing energy through my body and aura. It is quite a magical experience of deep relaxation and trust opening ones body and mind to a cleansing and expanding of the spiritual realm. I would highly recommend a healing session with Suky whatever phase in your physical or spiritual journey you find yourself in right now. With peace and love.
Suzie Rose
I met Suky almost a year ago, I went to her to heal the soul of some suffering that afflicted me and I felt a lot of relief through a massage. I immediately felt a lot of trust in her. When the coronavirus spread, we were in quarantine one day, I tried to ask her if she could help me from a distance to practice a healing. After following her relaxation instructions, lying comfortably in my bed, I started to feel very strong vibrations in my whole body and she urged me to relax. The sensation was similar to that experienced in the sessions done in person and in the end I felt much better. But what struck me most was that it seemed she was there with me. She felt that my head and eyes were sore and even though I didn't tell her. At the end of the session I no longer had any pain and I am always grateful to her for this.
Eleonora Gabrieli
Insurance Consultant