How to balance your chakras using YouTube videos

Balance your Chakras in 10 minutes!

Here are two examples of how to balance your Chakras in 10 minutes. Thankfully these two YouTube Video Creators have created something really amazing that is no longer a challenge to fit into your daily routine.

For me personally, I knew nothing about Chakras because I was born into a different Indian religion. There is one particular sect that acknowledges the existence of Chakras but they were not something I was aware of when I was growing up. I had no idea how to balance your Chakras.

Having said that, as soon as I began to look at energy and the energy system, I was fascinated. Now I can’t get enough. I am always so surprised at just how many ways you can tune in and balance your Chakras.

The wonderful world of getting to know your Chakras

To name a few, you can use scents that invigorate and heal Chakras. You can listen to music at a certain frequency like in the videos below that help boost your chakras. You can eat chakra healing foods. There are crystals that can help you tune into and heal from illnesses for each chakra. There are mudras or hand gestures to aid the energy flow of your retrospective chakras and the list goes on. In any case, it has been a wonderful journey for me personally to learn and understand more about my Chakras.

Today, I have three jobs and I am usually quite a busy person. However, I also understand the importance of maintaining my Chakras. This includes tuning into them to see if there are imbalances or problems as I believe dis-ease occurs in the Energy Body before it enters the Physical Body. So I try to tune in as often as I can so I am aware of my current condition and always on top of my health.

Here are two videos that I have used for years. I do alternate between which voice I want to listen to on what particular day, but that’s just me. Having said that, each are equally great and will aid in helping you balance your Chakras.

My Morning Routine with Chakra Balancing included

I usually listen to one of these two below straight after a Yoga session with Yoga with Adriene. Once I have moved around a bit in the morning, I like to wind down and reap the benefits of my yoga practice with one of these two 10 minute Chakra balancing video. Yoga with balancing my Chakras has been huge in my own personal healing journey.

So here they are:

The first one

This one is by the My Peace of Mindfulness channel On YouTube.

The second one

This one is by Jess Helsop – who as you can see from my previous blog post, I admire very much.

In any case, I am so grateful to both of these content producers because they have made Chakra balancing very easy for me to do. I can also add it to my morning routine quite easily. I know it benefits me greatly because I always feel great afterwards.

Occasionally my mind does wander but as I have meditated for over 25 years now, I gently bring myself back to the present moment when this does happen.

If you also find these useful, let me know your thoughts.

Or if you have an alternative way of balancing your chakras on a daily basis, I would live to know what you do. I think we can all learn from one another so I am always interested in your opinions.

Finally, if you have any problems where you need to regulate your chakras or if you are having a problem with one or more of our chakras, have a Distant Energy Healing with me. We can try to piece together what is going on. If you are new to all of this and ant to learn more whilst having an assessment of your chakras and what condition they are in, some Intuitive Coaching Sessions could be useful.

Thanks and have a wonderful day xxx


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