Tuning into your Heart Chakra can be a life changer. It was for me!

It took me a while to feel my heart chakra because it was so blocked.

But once I started to work on it and spent time and attention on it, slowly but surely it began to open. I started to feel a tingling sensation though any kind of feeling is a good sign that you are opening.

It is positioned in the centre of your chest.

Your physical heart is slightly to the left but your Heart Chakra is in the centre. If you are new to this, try to make this distinction. Tune into your physical heart and hear your heartbeat. Then move to the centre and see if you can sense it out. To be honest, whatever you feel is fine, especially as we are all different so we will feel different sensations.

Once you can feel it, actively go into it.

Tune into the sensations you feel. Go deeper, further in. Don’t judge anything you feel or see. And spend some time here. It’s like an adventure.

This is just the start and there will be many of you who are much more evolved in this. So you will know what I am talking about. It is a beautiful and loving feeling to go in and simply feel.

If your mind wonders off, as it does, be kind to yourself and the second you realise, come back in and focus again.


Here is a Heart Chakra Yoga for Beginners Video by Yoga With Adriene. This will help you tune in.



Here is a Heart Chakra Healing Meditation with Angels video from Melanie Beckler from Ask Angels. I have probably listened to this about 50 times and it is still a go to one when I need to reconnect to my Heart Chakra.


Have you tried this? What experiences have you had? Let me know.

If you want a higher level of Heart Chakra activation, have a Distant Energy Healing with me. My clients often tell me they felt a lot of energy in their Heart Chakra. My Testimonials will tell you more.

That’s all from me. Peace out my Loves xxx

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