3 Magic Words delivered by Dr Wayne Dyer

I can’t remember exactly when I found 3 Magic Words but I know that it was many years ago. I have admired Dr Wayne Dyer’s work for a long time now.

Total relaxation and bliss came over me when I heard this for the first time. That is what made me save it and keep going back to it!

U S Anderson’s work

The original 3 Magic Words was written by U S Andersen. It is a book and there is also a movie that are available online. You can also find the audiobook version here. It is 9 hours in duration but I would try and break it down into hourly chunks if you can. That’s how I usually approach something like this.

Dr Wayne Dyer

Well for me, he is someone whose voice calms me immediately. So him speaking the words from this prayer just hit my heart and soul instantly. No matter what I am going through, I can always come back to peace after I have listened to this meditation.

Here is the video I listen to so frequently. I will add the wording below.

Click here if you cannot access the video

3 Magic Words Prayer


I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been, and that I always will be.

There is inside me a place of confidence and quietness and security where all things are known and understood. This is the Universal Mind, God, of which I am a part and which responds to me as I ask of it.

This Universal Mind knows the answer to all of my problems, and even now the answers are speeding their way to me. I needn’t struggle for them; I needn’t worry or strive for them.

When the time comes, the answers will be there. I give my problems to the great mind of God; I let go of them, confident that the correct answers will return to me when they are needed.

Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need for my work and fulfilment will come to me. It is not necessary that I strain about this – only believe. For in the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so. I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me, in the flower, the tree, the brook and the meadow. I know that the intelligence that created all these things is in me and around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest need.

I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit and that spirit is perfect; therefore my body is perfect also. I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and myself. I am confident. I am serene. I am sure.

No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion. There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to the mind of God, which is in me, and around me, and serves me now.

The last sentence is magic for me – always makes me feel amazing. I feel more aligned to The Universe and my purpose in line after hearing this.

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