Why I would never let myself down and why I AM my priority

This was an early lesson for me because I got let down by almost everyone around me growing up. So I made a commitment to myself that I’d always be there for myself and never let myself down. I worked hard to ensure that I always come first.

I am my priority

I had to show up for me because there was no other option. But as I grew, I realised this was one of the most loving things I had done for myself ✨💖✨ I will always honour myself before anyone else 💙❤️💜🙏🏽💪🏽😎 When I honour myself, I honour my Soul – the infinite part of me.

If this is something you find challenging, and want to make some improvements, would you consider my Intuitive Coaching Sessions? We can get to the core of why you are unable to put yourself first. Perhaps you have some trauma or childhood issues you need to work on or perhaps you suffer from low self esteem. In any case, if this sounds like you, why not work on this with me and evolve to the next stage of your life? You will feel so much better once you decide to put yourself first.

#selflove #healingjourney #healing #motivation #positivity #selfesteem #selfworth 

#selfcare #self #loveyourself #mindset #awakenedsoul #evolvewithsuky #mindfulness 

#intuition #wisdom

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