Understanding Your Health Problems Piece By Piece using The Roby Chart

The Roby Chart has been a very useful tool for me in my own healing journey.

I have healed many health problems throughout my life. These have included a heart murmur, a spinal problem, various infections like sinusitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). My About page will tell you more.

I tried the conventional methods and they didn’t work. Eventually, I was guided towards finding more alternative methods to help myself heal.

One of the wonderful tools and resources I came across was The Roby Chart. It was developed by Cheryl Roby integrating the work of some other wonderful women.  You can see what it looks like below and buy a copy of the chart here as I did.

This chart has helped me piece together what is going on in my body many times.

Cheryl is the best person to describe it so here is what she says on her website –


The Original Roby Chart is a unique tool that was born from my frustration, as a student of energy healing, that there was no one place to see the colour meaning and location of the 7 major energy centres (chakras) in the physical body, along with a sample of core beliefs that can affect health.

I distilled and integrated information from several expert sources, including Louise Hay, Caroline Myss and Dorothy Martin-Neville.

Each part of the body has a brief note about what beliefs can influence it – thus incorporating energetic, physical and influence of mind (beliefs) in one beautiful image.”

As you can see, The Roby Chart illustrates different parts of the body and what beliefs they are associated with and also what Chakras they correlate to. This is amazing information because through this chart, I was able to piece together why I was having the health problems I was experiencing.

I was able to take the condition, then understand which body part it was representing. This led me to look at the associated chakra on the chart. My next step was to understand what emotions I was feeling in an attempt to be able to resolve this.

Hip pain

A recent example was that I started having pain in my left hip, mainly at the front. It got progressively worse as time passed so I had to deal with it.

Here are the action steps I took to understand more:

  1. I referred to the Roby Chart and it told me that as the pain was on the left side of my body, it was about my feminine side. I understood what that meant to me personally.
  2. As the pain was in the hips, it had something to do with a fear of moving forward.
  3. As the pain was in the front of my body, it was to do with my future or as in my case, letting go of the past in order to move forward.

Here are the action steps I took to heal:

  1. I went into a meditation where I just quietened my mind and asked my soul what was going on. The soul contains so much Infinite Wisdom about you and your history so when you ask a question, you get an answer. Some people can access this immediately and others have to practice. As I have been healing myself for years now, my information comes through quite quickly. Anyway, the response that came back was that I wasn’t moving forward because I was holding on to too much from the past. The time had come for me to step into a new me where I would be a more evolved and improved version of myself. In order to make that move, I had to resolve this.
  2. Utilising The Roby Chart, I could see that this problem was related to my Sacral Chakra so I committed to listening to Sacral Chakra Healing meditations on a regular basis. These can easily be found on YT and are available in a variety of durations. I used one that healed me whilst I slept which was great as well as one that I could do when I had time during the day.
  3. I started to get that part of my body engaged and moving. So I began power walking.
  4. I looked at my favourite Yoga Teacher Yoga With Adriene on YT and she had a video specifically for the hips. So I started doing this 4-5 times a week in the morning to help heal.
  5. Continuing from point 1. I made a commitment to do more meditation where I could go into my hip and gain more information. So I did just that. I would find quiet time and really tune into the pain. I asked questions like ‘what are you here to teach me?’ ‘How can I release this?’ ‘What memories are trapped in my cells here?’ And a lot of information was revealed to me. I acknowledged this and told myself I was ready to release the old energy.

Time and patience

There was a lot of stuff in there so it took time – almost 2 months but after consistent attention and work, I am happy to report that I no longer have pain in my hips.

So The Roby Chart was exceptionally useful in guiding me to what the problem was and why I was having it. That helped me piece together how that information was relevant to me personally and I was able to shift and evolve past it.

I hope you can also address pain or issues when they arise using this technique. It does take a little practice and you can tweak it to suit your individual needs but it does work.

Having said that, if you need some help, a Distant Energy Healing can help. Book a session today if this resonates!

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