The Throat Chakra Explained….

The following is a really good but fairly basic explanation of the Throat Chakra.


Meaning – How you communicate to the world and how the world perceives you through the way you communicate.

Purpose – For you to speak your truth whatever that is for you. For you to express yourself even when it feels like the most uncomfortable thing to do.

Body Part – neck, thyroid, mouth teeth and throat.

Associated Problems – overactive or underactive thyroid problems, sore throat, throat canal closing up as opposed to being wide and expressive, being shy and reserved and generally not engaging fully with this beautiful experience of life.

Located – at the base of your throat or the centre. Feel it out. Ask it where it is for you and you should start to feel a tingling sensation.

Colour – Turquoise or pale blue

Crystals – Aqua Marine, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise and pretty much any blue crystal

Sound Frequency – operates best at 741HzA good thing to do to maintain, heal or enhance your Throat Chakra is to listen to music at this frequency. There are plenty of video’s available online these days. This one is a 9 hour Throat Chakra healing video that I like to put on whilst I sleep. If you do have a listen, try to tune into the music for a more profound healing experience. Additionally, this will also help you stay focussed on the present moment and prevent your mind from wondering.

Scents – Vanilla, Lemon, lemongrass, Geranium and many more.

If this interests you, do some research and find out what other associated things there are to the Throat Chakra.

What I generally find in my clients:

Many of us have or have had problems with the Throat Chakra at some point in our lives. At its most basic form, it is about how you communicate into the world and how the world communicates with you. So, signs your Throat Chakra needs some healing can be:

  • You feel you are not listened to
  • Your voice trembles, is too quiet or you don’t speak your truth – for any given reason
  • You don’t speak up, you push down whatever you needed to say, ignoring your intuition
  • You lack confidence in your spoken word
  • You are worried what people will think of your opinions so you keep quiet
  • You lie/don’t always tell the truth instead of saying what you really feel because it is easier

All of these usually arise from painful or hurtful situations, circumstances, stress or trauma. For example, if you were shouted at as a child by an adult or even another child or sibling, they scared you. That feeling turned into fear, stunned you and pulled you inward.  Your whole body retracted. Your Diamond Light dimmed a little – or a lot depending on the severity. That then transpired into patterns of not being able to be strong and bold in your communication.

This is just one way it could have happened and quite a common one I see in my Clients. Though there are many other ways problems in the Throat Chakra can occur.

My personal experience

When I work on my Throat Chakra, I can feel it pulsate quite vividly which is a wonderful feeling. It wasn’t always like this. Many times, I tolerated all types of abuse and could not speak up to stop it.

I had to stay silent and absorb whatever was happening because I was so scared. Because I was so sensitive and empathic as a child and without any controls or boundaries, I suffered immensely.

Experiencing times when I could not speak up over and over again imprinted itself into my being. It literally took me decades to understand this and do the work to overcome it.

But there is hope. I went from being painfully introverted to someone, who at times, can talk for England! I am a living breathing example of someone who overcame imbalances in the Throat Chakra.

Here are a set of wonderful Affirmations from a person I have a lot of love and time for – Louise Hay.

Furthermore, when I read these, my heart and soul always come back into alignment, regardless of what problems or issues I am going through.


Do you need help?

If you have trouble connecting with your chakras, I can help. Join me for a Distant Healing Session where I will enter your energy field and try to find out why your Throat Chakra is blocked. In addition, we can then work to clear the cause.

Problems associated with this Chakra are usually weakness in the mouth, teeth, throat, neck and thyroid.  This is from Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life and I guess you need to read the book for full context and comprehension.

Alternatively, if you have health problems around the Throat Chakra region, Intuitive Coaching Sessions can help. I will use my intuition to create a bespoke program with practical tools and resources to help you heal this Chakra.

What about you? Have you healed from Throat Chakra issues? What experiences have you had in meditation with this chakra? I’d love to know.

If you found this post helpful, check out my other related posts:

The Crown Chakra

The Third Eye

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