The Crown Chakra Explained…

The following is a really good but fairly basic explanation of the Crown Chakra.


Meaning – This is your personal connection to God/Source/The Creator/The Universe or whatever name you wish to give here.

Purpose – It’s for you to connect and receive love and what you need in this experience – in vibrational form and return your love to the Source that created you.

Body part – Head, Brain and Pineal Gland

Associated medical problems – can be headaches, migraines, over-thinking and brain fog although any problems in that part of the body are usually associated with the Crown Chakra.

Located – At the top or crown of your head. Basically, imagine wearing a crown – that is where it is. As it opens, you will consciously feel it expand. This is a really beautiful feeling. Many times, I have sat there and tuned into my Crown Chakra and opened it. Thereafter, gorgeous Universal Energy has just poured in like liquid light all through my body and around it. I feel truly nourished and much closer to Source Energy after this. With enough practice, you can learn to literally switch it on like a light and make your connection stronger.

Colour – Purple or white, though personally I have experienced both but that is just me.

Crystals – Clear Quartz, Amethyst or Ice Calcite though there are many more. Any Purple, white or clear crystal can also help. You can hold these in your hands or place them on or near your head to enhance self-healing sessions.

Sound Frequency – operates best at 963 Hz. A good thing to do to maintain, heal or enhance your Crown Chakra is to listen to music at this frequency. There are plenty of video’s available online these days. This one is a 9 hour Crown Chakra healing video that I like to put on whilst I sleep. If you do have a listen, try to tune into the music for a more profound healing experience. Additionally, this will also help you stay focussed on the present moment and prevent your mind from wondering.

Scents – can be used to also enhance opening your Crown Chakra. These include Myrrh, Lavender, Rose, and Jasmine. When working with this Chakra, either have an oil burner with one of these or a candle. You can also add some drops of these essential oils to your pillow but you should not apply them directly on your skin as they can be quite strong and concentrated and cause irritation.

My personal experience


Developing my own Crown Chakra has been a profound experience for me. It took a while, but due to the time and effort I spend on this, I can now freely give and receive love to and from The Universe.

And it is a two way connection. You can’t just receive – that would be a little self centred no? You also could give your love to The Universe. Something to ponder on perhaps….

Anyway, when you have this Crown Chakra connection, you become more wholesome and feel more connected to everyone and everything.

Some people connect very easily and without much effort. However, for others like me, it can take a little time and patience but the rewards are amazing.

Crown Chakra Affirmations by Louise Hay


Here are a set of gorgeous Crown Chakra Affirmations from a person I have a lot of love and time for – Louise Hay. Furthermore, when I read these, my heart and soul always come back into alignment, regardless of what problems or issues I am going through.

  • I am part of the Divine.
  • I honour the Divine within me.
  • I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences.
  • I cherish my spirit.
  • I seek experiences that nourish my spirit.
  • I listen to the wisdom of universe.
  • I trust my intuition.
  • I am open to letting go of my attachments.
  • I live in the present moment.
  • I am grateful for all the goodness in my life.
  • I love and accept myself.
  • I know that all is well in my world.
  • I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
  • I am open to divine wisdom.
  • My life moves with grace.
  • I am at peace.

Need help?


If you have trouble connecting with your chakras, I can help. Join me for a Distant Healing Session where I will enter your energy field and try to find out why your Crown Chakra is blocked. In addition, we can then work to clear the cause. Problems associated with this Chakra are usually aches and pains or troubles around the head. For example migraines, brain fog, over-thinking or a lack of faith in The Universe.

Alternatively, if you have health problems around the Crown Chakra region, Intuitive Coaching Sessions can help. I will use my intuition to create a bespoke program with practical tools and resources to help you heal this Chakra.

Let me know if this was useful and how you get along xxx

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