Simply a Warm Welcome with Greetings from Trieste!

Well hello and a warm welcome to you.


Thank you for joining me from your part of the world.


This blog has a two-fold purpose:

1) Is for you to get to know me at a more personal level which will be beneficial if you want to have healing sessions with me.

2) It is packed with practical tools and resources that have helped me on my journey. These could very well possibly help you too.

I have experienced a lot in my life and having spent over 27 years working on myself. There are lots of things that I can share around stuff that has worked for me. These can be something simple such as a meditation or something that may require more time or study, like a particular person’s work that I recommend.

The one and only Louise Hay

A good example of this is Louise Hay’s work. I discovered her in my 20’s and I am 47 as I write this. Funnily enough, I still refer to her work because it resonates so much. I love the simple way she explains things.

When I first came across her, I was so fascinated by what she said and how she said it. The love that came through her work was so genuine and nourishing. So much so, that I made a commitment to study her. I read her books, did her meditations, watched her talks and practiced her affirmations.

Pretty much anything else that was connected to her, I researched and absorbed.

She made me feel so good in comparison to how I was feeling at that time, that I had to bring in as much of her work as I could into my daily life. It was healing me.

As the years have passed, I have come across many other wonderful people and their work has also resonated with me. This is where I would like to talk about all of this – as well as my social media channels.

Don’t be a stranger (”,)

Please do feel free to make comments and let me know your thoughts on my posts here. It would also be great to just hear your thoughts and opinions as maybe, others can benefit from your opinion too. I feel that many of us go through a lot of the same issues but we’re not always good at talking about our problems.

So the work I put into this blog is to hopefully help ease some of the challenges people experience and for us to share our difficulties in the hope of making life a little easier. 

For now, that’s all! Hope you have a wonderful day and again, wishing you a warm welcome.

Lots of love,


If you are ready for more, try my healing and coaching sessions:

  1. Energy Healing Massages – in person, in Trieste
  2. Distant Energy Healing – online where I access your Energy Body remotely
  3. Intuitive Coaching Sessions – online where we help you evolve to the next stage of your life!

Please share if it resonates:

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