You Tube Creator Jess Helsop

Jess Helsop – a YouTube Creator producing amazing meditations

I would say I discovered Jess about a year ago and Oh My God did she change my life or what! Jess describes herself as a YouTube Creator and has two channels: Manifest By Jess and Sleep time with Jess

What Jess does

Basically she has an amazingly soothing voice and creates videos that are mainly meditative. For many of her videos she uses different sound frequencies in the background and then talks over the sound. This she does for a variety of different subjects.

Subconscious programming while you sleep

When I first came across her in 2 years ago, it was her subconscious programming ones that really caught my attention. These are usually 8 hour videos that you leave on whilst you sleep and the subconscious programming is done for you. Have a listen to one of them. She explains the process each time which is really useful and help get you in the mood.

Nowadays, a night rarely goes by without me having one of these on whilst I sleep.

The subjects come from a wide range of topics and subjects.

A few examples are:

Surrender and Trust 7:50 duration – this is probably the one I listen to most right now just because that is where I am in my life.

You Are Affirmations – Childhood Trauma Healing (While You Sleep) 7:53 duration

Miracle Magnet – Gratitude Affirmations – Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep) 7:54 duration

Loving Kindness Meditation (15 Minute Guided Meditation)

Forgiveness Meditation (Release Anger & Resentment) 18:04 duration

Gratitude Meditation ❤️️ 21 Day Transformation ❤️️ 432 HZ 12:31 duration


And the most beautiful thing is that you can buy them and download them for easy access. They all cost just $12 each which is a bargain if you ask me.

But don’t just take my word for it. Have a look at her channels.

Select a video that resonates with you. Don’t fret, your soul will tell you which one you need and what you need to work on. Trust that there is a beautiful part of you that knows exactly what you need at this moment. 

What are sound frequencies?

If you are not familiar with sound frequencies and what they can do for your energy body, look it up. There is a ton of data out there. Kylie Burfeind from Almeda has written a short but very accurate blog post about this. It’s really worth a look and a good starting point.

Jess’s Story in her own words

“Years ago, I was seriously unhappy; I suffered with chronically low self-esteem, addiction and depression, I had a job I hated, my relationships were toxic, and I was living pay cheque-to-pay cheque with no financial wealth. Then, when I was 26, I lost both my father and beloved sister to cancer within 3 months. The heartbreak of that loss brought me to my knees, and I knew I needed to change my life.”

“10 years have passed since then, and I have been on a huge journey of transformation. Using the power of the mind and the Law of Attraction, I have created tremendous abundance in my life. I have built two 6-figure businesses, found my soulmate, bought my dream home, created an incredible career doing what I love and, most importantly, I’ve developed an inner world of joy and peace.” 

Are you familiar with Jess’s work?

I’d love to know if you have heard of this YouTube Creator Jess Helsop and if you have, what are your experiences? Please leave a comment.

If you feel you want to progress further, Intuitive Coaching Sessions are designed to help you evolve from old situations and evolve into the shining bright star you were always supposed to be. If this resonates, book a session and I look forward to meeting you!

Nite Nite

For now, it’s 22:26 here in Italy so I will put on a subconscious programming vid, listen for an hour or so and then drift off to sleep. Goodnight my loves xxx

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