How suffering leads to emotional intelligence

Suffering is usually the catalyst for attaining emotional intelligence and I am sorry it has to be this way.

However, if you can master whatever cards you were dealt with, then the rewards of emotional intelligence are amazing.

What I learnt

For me personally, despite everything I went through, if I had to do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing – and that’s saying something, believe me. Because through my suffering, I learnt a level of kindness, compassion and love that have been essential in my world. In addition, my empathy and intuition grew exponentially.

Some examples include:

If you have ever been beaten, you know that horrible feeling you felt afterwards. You will never be physically violent towards anyone because you would never seek to make someone else feel what you have felt. The buck stops with you.

If you have been manipulated by those who were supposed to love and protect you, you learn always to talk straight and not mince your words. You say what you mean and mean what you say. You don’t twist words or situations for your own gain – ever.

If your birthdays were never celebrated, you become a person who really looks to love and celebrate themselves and others. For you, you put yourself first and work towards feeling exuberance in as many ways as you can. You celebrate yourself and create your own self-esteem, self-worth and self-love! For others, you make them feel special in your presence with extra love and empathy thus creating beautiful human connections that are real and meaningful.

So yes, experiencing trauma was horrible for me but it was also the making of me.

My emotional intelligence is something I am very proud of.


If this resonates, please share and comment.

I consider myself to be a trauma specialist. I have experienced a lot in my childhood and my adult life. So if you are struggling and feel like you need some help, my Intuitive Coaching Sessions or my Distant Energy Healings can help. If you need further information about how I work, have a look at my testimonials.

Have a wonderful day my Loves x

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