Expanding your Self Love…

I know full well for myself that just creating Self Love is not enough. You really have to go deeper into loving yourself to reach the next levels of your evolution.

I have been working on my Self Love for around 30 years now and the more I focus and the more I learn, the more magical things happen around me. So here are three ideas around that. Enjoy!

Showing up for myself = Self Love


If you ask my nearest and dearest ones, they will tell you that I am always working on something or other! I want to be the best I can in this lifetime, so always pushing forward has become my Modus Operandi.

Now that I have mastered my own energy to a level I am happy with, I want to see if I can go beyond that. I am consciously considering my power in the past, present and future with a view to letting go of what no longer serves, encompassing it in the present moment or directing it to what I want for my future. It’s a whole new learning curve for me and I am having quite a bit of fun around this! And ultimately this is Self Love because I am improving myself.

What about you? What are you currently working on?

Let me know in the comments below.

Increasing and elevating my Self Love


A question I often ask myself is “how can I love you more?” Then I listen for the answer my soul or inner children or other part of me has and I respond accordingly.

Truly loving yourself takes time to learn but it really is The Greatest Love of All as George Benson told us all those years ago. (I prefer his rendition of this song!)

With Self Love comes self trust, better decision making, more openness, more giving and receiving in your relationships, more understanding of yourself and others, kindness, compassion and I could go on and on here.

A lack of self love creates doubt, fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, hate, envy and that list can also go on and on. You have a choice.


So why wait? The time is now. What can you do to build a closer relationship with yourself? Ask the question and stay quiet. Allow your soul and Inner Wisdom to speak. And then take the necessary action.

Working on my inner foundation of Self Love, Self Worth and Self Esteem


If you need to understand the difference between your Self Love, Self Worth and Self Esteem, take a look at my previous work on these. My Instagram profile will give you more too, especially my reels.

If you are ok, take a moment to think about where on a scale of 1-10 you are with each one and then do the work to raise your levels.

If you are happy with where you are, well then my friend, you are at a significant advantage. Integrate them all into your Central Column of Light for they are the combustion engine inside of you. They are the very catalyst to be the powerhouse to make your dreams come true! Fire up on all cylinders and launch yourself into whatever it is you seek.

Go get it!!!! 🥰

Need help? I got you!


If you find Self Love challenging, believe me I have been there and got the T-shirt!

Having personally worked on my own for so many years, I have many tools and resources that can help.

If this resonates and you are ready to love yourself or take your Self Love to the next level, contact me. If you are in or around Trieste, I recommend an Energy Healing Massage. Can’t come to me but want me to come to you? Also possible! Send me a message and we can discuss how this could work and the additional costs.

Want Energy Healing but cannot come here, a Distant Energy Healing can be very beneficial and can be done from the comfort of your own home.

My Intuitive Coaching Sessions can really help if you want to be coached through the process of Self Love. I use my intuition to guide you and I am always guided very well.

So that’s all I have for today. I send you love and wish you all the best. Hope you have a fabulous day!

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