This is how I manage change…..

When change comes, I know for me in the past, it has often brought unrest. Here is my experience of this.

When I was working as a full time Recruiter in 2008, there was the global economic downturn. Remember that?

As companies all halted their recruitment and were preparing for redundancies, mine was the first job to go. And I was a Contractor so I walked away with zero. Plus the outlook for Recruiters was very bleak at that time. I saw nothing good coming out of the next months, possibly even years.

I had a hard time with all of that and in addition, I had worked really hard to get where I was. At the time, I felt disappointed, let down, vulnerable and the list goes on.

The only job I could find was one where I had to take a 65% pay cut. That’s a lot! And the organisation was shite to say the least.

Out of this situation, I developed a heart murmur. I’d never had any heart problems prior to this. And I was in my 30’s!!!

I was signed off of work for 6 months as I took time to recuperate.

During those 6 months, I did a lot of meditation, exercise, soul searching and analysing why this had happened to me.

The conclusion I drew was that I was not flexible.


I didn’t trust the journey.

All of a sudden, I began to hate life. I hated the job, the people, the environment, my home at the time and the list goes on. All of that negativity resulted in a lack of love – which is not my normal modus operendi.

So this hit my heart.


Now if you are someone who is thinking – how did I draw that conclusion? Well I am highly intuitive and my Infinite Wisdom revealed this to me after hours of solitude and meditation.

So the affirmation below really helped. How? Well I learnt that I need to be more flexible in life and that nothing is a given. I cannot stop and fall apart when I have problems. I have to find solutions.

Fast forward to today, I am great at pivoting when stuff like this happens. I guess a lot of that was down to this experience.

My thinking today


I often say – if my arm falls off, we have a problem. Anything else is resolvable. And that became my thinking. I developed a level of resilience that really helped me as a skill.

When covid hit, I pivoted and was financially and mentally ok. I had a lot more faith in myself this time around and I survived it very well indeed.

Do you need help with something like this?


If you are someone who wants to learn more about accessing your own Infinite Wisdom, take a look at my services and read what my clients say.

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