Do You Have Old Emotions Arising and Disturbing Your Peace?

Releasing old stuff is something that has affected me these days.

I am finding that some negative feelings and old emotions are arising for me recently. I know I am not alone. We are experiencing very tumultuous times!

Practical Exercise for Releasing Old Stuff

So after a few days of this, I decided to take control. And this is exactly what I did. I felt the negative feeling and allowed it to come up. I went into the feeling of it and immersed myself into it.

I then said to myself I FORGIVE MYSELF AND EVERYONE INVOLVED. This led to kindness and compassion for myself. I then said I RELEASE ANY BAD FEELINGS so I allowed them to come out of my body and released them into the ether where my Team in Spirit could transmute them into something that can serve. Something I learned from Melanie Beckler at – look her up. She is fantastic!

Lastly, I said AND I MOVE CLOSER TO SELF LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE to myself. Once I was able to feel and release the emotions, I felt love for myself and I moved that one step closer to self love and self acceptance.

I have started repeating this for the many emotions that are arising and the impact has been fantastic. I am in control again. I find I am releasing old stuff as and when it arises using this method.

You see, when things come up, they are always an opportunity for us to heal – or we can suffer. It IS a choice. Let me know your thoughts below.

Need help releasing old stuff?

Energy Healing can help you overcome your challenges in a safe environment with a safe Energy Healer – me.

If you need help and feel I can assist you in your healing, contact me for an Energy Healing Massage in Trieste, Italy. If you cannot come to me, a Distant Healing Session can also help you. We can work to help you release and move on with your life. If you want a combination of talking and healing, then my Intuitive Coaching Sessions can be useful to help you with whatever you are dealing with.

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